The noob's guide to making a popular ´´creepy´´ pasta

Okay, so you want to make a popular creepy pasta, but you don't know how to, what do you do? Well, after reading some popular creepy pastas, I am here to tell you.
# Don't be original. Copy someone else's idea, just edit it slightly and change the character [Witness every Jeff the killer and Sonic.exe clone that exists on the internet.]
# Grammar and spelling DO NOT MATER so long as your character is either A. someone teenage girls will fine attractive, or B. An anti-villain that teenage girls will find attractive.
# Give them a stupid catch phrase, like "I AM GOD" or "GO TO SLEEP"
# Give them a tragic back story, any kind will do as long as it gets people to feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for your psychopathic killer.
# Make them a psychopathic killer.
# Make them kill their own friends, family or their friends family. Or all three of these options.
# Try to be deep or mysterious. Or deep AND mysterious.
# If it's about a pokemon game, ALWAYS INCLUDE GORE! No exceptions. Describe it in great detail.
# If it's about a pokemon game, make the pokemon game disappear in the end of the story, like it never existed in the first place.
# If it's about any kind of game at all, make sure they get it from a really sketchy situation, either via pirating, gamestop or creepy yard sell guy giving it away for free.
If these instructions aren't clear enough I will not be held responsible for you getting any body part stuck in anything/Getting married to anything/Demons haunting your house/Overdosing on opium/releasing the old gods onto the unsuspecting humanity/awaking Cthulu who is now attacking a port side city.